thursday also means visiting donna. we had a good experience at donna's today. we sang her children's hymns, girls camp songs, and songs like "i'm a little teapot" and "row row row your boat." oh, and "if i had a little white box." she loved it. it is good being able to bring joy into someone's life, even if it is through small an simple things like making a fool of yourselves while singing and acting out "mama goonie bird" or just listening to their same stories over and over and over again. it is so great to be able to serve like that. then some other "byu kids" came while we were still there. we don't know how we feel about them. here's the story, donna gets "upset" when we tell her we have to go, and she pouts [even though she is kidding, and we know she is]. anyways, she began to do that once bret, jacquie and i told her we had to go. one of the guys who was visiting who donna called "the mexican" [haha] had to make sure we knew she was kidding, and that she wasn't actually mad. yeah, thanks kid, it's not like we've been visiting her since january and we have no idea when she is kidding. come on. we appreciate the other kids visiting her, but she is our "grandma." anyways, we also scored a sweet pan on the "free table." donna gave us permission to take it. it is ideal for pancake making- let me tell you.
we also saw a bride getting her pictures taken on the rexburg temple grounds on the drive home, she was b-e-a-u-tiful.
we are going on a scavenger hunt with trevor and bret tonight, heck yeah!
life is good.
last night jacquie and i watched the brothers grimm last night...bad idea. haha. jacquie just loved that movie. just kidding, she really didn't. i love that movie, but i honestly forgot how completely twisted and creepy it is. anyways, there is a part with the gingerbread man, and we were dying of laughter. it was so funny.
who wouldn't laugh histerically at this? |
that's all.
[kristen] & -jwag-
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