Friday, September 23, 2011

love bugs♥

So, while living in a tropical forrest aka florida, you become acquainted with lots, LOTS of bugs.
The most popular are called: love bugs.
cute love bugs.
However, these real love bugs are NOT cute. not even a little. they are gross, gross bugs.
Why are they called love bugs? oh, cus they do it everywhere.
no joke. on the bus, on you, on your shoe, in your face, in your apartment, on the bench, in the goes on and on AND ON.
They are everywhere. And never alone. Always attached to one another. sick.
FYI: never wear a black shirt...theyll be all over that.
I am grateful that California does not have any of these bugs. because they are gross. and annoying.
P.S. i tried to take pictures of the love bugs on my phone...but they were just too fast to get a picture...(awk)...thank goodness google images never let me down :)
P.S.S. i could go into more detail about these bugs...but i wont...for your sake ;)

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