yesterday i had the opportunity to go to a baptism for a guy who is about a year younger than me. it was so incredible- i haven't felt the spirit that much in a while. after he was immersed in the water and baptized, his whole countenance changed- he was truly born again. i have never seen so much joy in someone. it made me feel joy and SO much gratefulness for the gospel that i have in my life.
going to his baptism and seeing him experience so much joy and to see how much he appreciates the Gift that had been given to him made me really appreciate my testimony. lately i have felt like i have been inadequate in my life and i haven't felt like my testimony of Jesus Christ was growing- i was stagnate. i was selfish with my testimony and i took it for granted.
sometimes it is hard for me to keep my sights on what matters most in my life because i get so stressed with life. it is hard for me to find the light in a world full of so much darkness. i have felt lately that i have been stuck in a rut and i was having an extremely hard time getting out of it. but, today i realized the only way to get through that is to hold fast to what i believe and to look to the light-
i know Jesus Christ is my Savior. I know He died for my sins. I know that it is through His grace and His grace alone that we are saved- we canot do it by ourselves. I love His gospel. I know the Book of Mormon is true. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet ordained of God to restore His gospel. I know without a shadow of a doubt that Thomas S Monson is a prophet today. I know that temples are real and the power that comes from them is real. I know I will be with my family forever. I know that priesthood power is real, and I am SO grateful for it! I have a strong testimony of missionary work. I know that there are people waiting for their lives to begin and for two men in white shirts and name-tags to knock on their door and to bring them to the light of Christ.
"The Standard of Truth has been erected. No unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing. Persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame. But the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, until the purposes of God shall be accomplished and the Great Jehovah will say, ‘The work is done.'" -Joseph Smith
I know that the gospel of Jesus Christ is real and true! Gosh, I am so incredibly blessed!!
ps, jacquie's post made me cry, and i love that she and i are both able to feel the spirit so strong even though we are hundreds of miles from eachother. The Church is true everywhere :)
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