Wednesday, September 28, 2011

special task for someone who is special...i mean, new.

so today at work i was given a "special task".
it involved syringes, blue tips, and chlorhexidine gluconate.
chya. chlorhexidine gluconate. I wrote it down so i could remember it.

haha. anyways so i had to fill two big ziploc bags FULL of syringes with this stuff.
man, it was way more fun than it sounds (no sarcasm). I would try and see how close i could get to making it perfect without looking. I'm sorry, that probably didn't make sense. I put the tip of the syringe in the chlorhexidine gluconate and pulled the syringe up without looking to see if i could make it to the mark by just feeling.

TONS of these!
Anyways, that was fun. I got perfect at it by the second ziploc bag. :)
Chlorhexidine Gluconate is this blue mouth wash/sterilizer solution that smells like mint. But ive been told that it tastes like i mean something that doesn't taste good to normal people! (inside joke). It's like when you go to the dentist and they're like "what kind of toothpaste do you want? Cherry, Orange, Cookie-Dough?" and youre like "yum! cookie dough!" and it ends up tasting like dirty drain water. ugh. thats the worst.

should be good, right?
good thing im not drinking any chlorhexidine gluconate.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

bringing sexy back. yeah!

we brought sexy back. yeah. them other boys don't know how to act. yeah. take em to the bridge.
anyways, i havent posted too much lately, but now i have stuff to post about!
first of all- i bought my plane tickets to utah! well, my mom did. i love my mom. that's besides the point. they are bought! i'm going up! i can't wait! i get to see Chris (yay! :) ), my aunts, my grandma, and my little crazy cousins! and i get to go to beautiful salt lake! and i'll be flying for the first time by myself! crazy. I'M SO EXCITED!
second of all- i got a second job at macy's. the shifts are early morning, i'm going to be so tired all the time now...but thats ok i'll be making good money. i love my job at the boy's and girl's club! it is stressful but it is very rewarding. i am in charge of the K-1st graders and i love it! they are so cute. i love them. today i took them outside to read them some books- they were so excited. but there aren't many age appropriate books there (it's kind of ghetto) but that's ok, they like to look at the pictures. i love my job- it comes so naturally to me to work with kids.
third of all- i went to the padres game tonight with my friends. it was so fun! here are some peectures...

cody is special...
7th inning stretch!
the epitome
the group!
love love
we then finished the night with a dance party in the car. it was the best! we got down the best we could with being squished in the back seat of a mercedes. we sure brought sexy back. that's all. life's great!


Monday, September 26, 2011

should i start flossing now?

That's right folks! I got a job! Woo! And its full time! I'm a fetching adult! 8am-5pm.
I work at Bakersfield Smile Design for Dr. Krauss, i get to wear scrubs!
Its great, scrubs and tennis shoes.
Anyways I do whatever they need done: sterilizing tools, helping out, filing stuff, etc. etc.
Its a cosmetic and family dentistry.
I saw so much blood today. Hence the cosmetic part. Esh. Good thing I dont get queasy like mi padre.
But yeah! I'll be making money! Thank goodness for that. And another great job to put on the resume.
p.s. Now that i work for a dentist, should i start flossing regularly?
p.s.s. some of the ladies at work (dental assistants) as in most of the ladies, after lunch all brush their teeth. its hilarious. like hardcore brush their teeth, and then rinse with listerine.
i guess i needa step up my dental hygiene....

Friday, September 23, 2011

love bugs♥

So, while living in a tropical forrest aka florida, you become acquainted with lots, LOTS of bugs.
The most popular are called: love bugs.
cute love bugs.
However, these real love bugs are NOT cute. not even a little. they are gross, gross bugs.
Why are they called love bugs? oh, cus they do it everywhere.
no joke. on the bus, on you, on your shoe, in your face, in your apartment, on the bench, in the goes on and on AND ON.
They are everywhere. And never alone. Always attached to one another. sick.
FYI: never wear a black shirt...theyll be all over that.
I am grateful that California does not have any of these bugs. because they are gross. and annoying.
P.S. i tried to take pictures of the love bugs on my phone...but they were just too fast to get a picture...(awk)...thank goodness google images never let me down :)
P.S.S. i could go into more detail about these bugs...but i wont...for your sake ;)

Friday, September 16, 2011

chilling out, maxing and relaxing all cool

i was watching fresh prince the other day and i decided that the theme song for that show is the best theme song ever. and the best rap- that i know every word to, thank you very much.

sooooo i'm going to utah!! woohooo i'm so excited! :)
the lion king is in theaters right now and i want to go see it so bad!
i am such a bad blogger. my posts are so boring. my life just isn't too exciting lately.
i wake up. go to work. go to the gym. go to bed. and do it all over. hopefully i'll be getting a second job next week. imma be gettin' paper.
my shirt for work is bright yellow. haha sooo ugly! but i love my job- working with kids comes naturally to me. it is so fun!
gotta go!


Sunday, September 11, 2011

disney is a company.

well. i write this with a little bit of saddness/anger/regret/happiness:
I am leaving the Disney College Program. Yes, yes i just got here a month ago, i know i know. I am not a quitter, let me tell you what, i am not! haha. But the Disney Company wasn't "too honest" with their description of the program, for example:
-i was promised at least 40 hours a week (i am paying for tuition, books, food, housing, etc.) in other words i chose this program because i would be earning MULA!
--this didn't happen. Disney only employs CP's (college program interns) 30 hours a week. which doesn't give me the money i need.
-rent was to be $100 a month (living on Disney property)
--rent is $85 a weeeeek. not okay.
-i was promised religious accomodation so i wouldn't have to work on Sundays and that i could go to church those days
--this didn't happen. Disney schedules all cast members by their seniority, so those who work longer with the company get to choose what days they get off, and Sunday is the golden day to have off. So CP's never get Sundays off. (Which is not good, because I need to go to church!!)

Anyways--so yes, ill be flying back to CA next week. And be getting a job soon there (don't worry i already have like 6 potentials lined up). I will miss my roomies, and ALL the great great friends i made at Flame Tree BBQ! I seriously work with thee most amazing people and I will miss them all. But i need to save (lots of) money and Disney is just not the place to do that (considering i only get minimum wage in Florida....eesh.) It was a good experience, a good lesson, but i am SO happy to be headed home and be more of my happy self again :)

p.s. The Disney College Program is GREAT if you want to work for Disney the rest of your life, its a great way to make connections and climb the ladder of Disney success...i however, don't WANT to work for Disney for the rest of my life! haha.

Friday, September 9, 2011

things just work out!

i don't think i have been this happy in a while. it's amazing how things just work out when you are willing to take a leap of faith!
i got a new job at the boys and girls club of greater san diego. it is probably the best job ever! i love working with kids! they are just too fun.
yesterday there was a huge blackout in southern california/arizona/mexico! let me tell you, all hell breaks loose when the power goes out and you are working with little kids. haha.
here is what happened...
also, i can't wait to go back to school. fall semester starts next week and i'm kind of super jelous of all my friends who are back in the burg- i sure do miss it.
anyways, that's it.

peace out and keep it real.


Monday, September 5, 2011

Look to the Light

yesterday i had the opportunity to go to a baptism for a guy who is about a year younger than me. it was so incredible- i haven't felt the spirit that much in a while. after he was immersed in the water and baptized, his whole countenance changed- he was truly born again. i have never seen so much joy in someone. it made me feel joy and SO much gratefulness for the gospel that i have in my life.
going to his baptism and seeing him experience so much joy and to see how much he appreciates the Gift that had been given to him made me really appreciate my testimony. lately i have felt like i have been inadequate in my life and i haven't felt like my testimony of Jesus Christ was growing- i was stagnate. i was selfish with my testimony and i took it for granted.
sometimes it is hard for me to keep my sights on what matters most in my life because i get so stressed with life. it is hard for me to find the light in a world full of so much darkness. i have felt lately that i have been stuck in a rut and i was having an extremely hard time getting out of it. but, today i realized the only way to get through that is to hold fast to what i believe and to look to the light-

today in sacrament meeting i mustered up the courage to share my testimony with the congregation- i haven't been that nervous in a while. i had to fight back tears as i was bearing it because i realized how truly blessed i am and how much i have taken that blessing for granted. i love my testimony!
i know Jesus Christ is my Savior. I know He died for my sins. I know that it is through His grace and His grace alone that we are saved- we canot do it by ourselves. I love His gospel. I know the Book of Mormon is true. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet ordained of God to restore His gospel. I know without a shadow of a doubt that Thomas S Monson is a prophet today. I know that temples are real and the power that comes from them is real. I know I will be with my family forever. I know that priesthood power is real, and I am SO grateful for it! I have a strong testimony of missionary work. I know that there are people waiting for their lives to begin and for two men in white shirts and name-tags to knock on their door and to bring them to the light of Christ.

"The Standard of Truth has been erected. No unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing. Persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame. But the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, until the purposes of God shall be accomplished and the Great Jehovah will say, ‘The work is done.'" -Joseph Smith

I know that the gospel of Jesus Christ is real and true! Gosh, I am so incredibly blessed!!


ps, jacquie's post made me cry, and i love that she and i are both able to feel the spirit so strong even though we are hundreds of miles from eachother. The Church is true everywhere :)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

He left the 99, to find the 1

i was lost but now i am found.
Painted by: Simon Dewey
Well folks, may i just say i absolutely love church?
I'm not really sure how to start this, so ill just get right to it:
I got to Florida knowing no one, missing my family, starting a stressful new job, and having new roommates...
I felt overwhelmed. I felt alone. And ya know what to be honest, i really just wanted to go home.
It was finally Sunday, I hadn't been to church in three weeks. Lets just say getting off work, showering, jumping on a bus to go somewhere i had never been and hope someone would be there (whom ive never met) and take me to the church building, was stressful.
Anywhoo, i made it to the building and felt a rush of peace. I met so many wonderfully nice girls on the bus, all from BYU-Idaho. The Elders were there welcoming me, the Bishop was there meeting everyone new, etc etc. I was so happy I almost started crying. No really, i was super teary-eyed. I finally felt like i was home. I felt loved, even though i was entering that building with no one i knew, i just felt the love and comfort from all of my "brothers and sisters". I was so happy to find out what was missing. The peace i feel when i go to church, the love i feel being surrounded by people who genuinely care about me.
I partook of the Sacrament and i cannot express the peace and relaxation i finally felt after those stressful weeks. I really felt loved and literally at home.
I have not been the best "mormon". I have not been the best daughter, friend, sibling, roommate, etc. But i know that when i live this gospel to the best of my ability, my Savior will make up the rest. I know that He loves me. I know that my Savior knows me, and understands what i need to do to progress. I know that the Book of Mormon is truly the word of God and that it was written for the year 2011 and beyond (buzz lightyear reference?...sorry, that was inappropriate). I love my family so much and i am so grateful for the sacrifices they have made for me and for the love that they always have shown me. I am so incredibly grateful that i can spend eternity with them. I love the Lord and i love being an example of Him. I know that prayers are answered. I have a testimony that my Father in Heaven listens to me, and will bless me if i am obedient. I have faith that He knows what i need to be tried with and that with my Savior's help i will be able to get through it. I am so grateful for the Atonement and for the great sacrifice my Savior made for me. I am thankful for repentance and for the opportunity to become clean again and again. I am not perfect, but through Christ i can become perfect like He is. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the true church. I know that we are all children of our Heavenly Father and that He loves us more than we can imagine. I thank the Lord that i have been able to see a glimpse of His great plan of salvation today. I know that i am a daughter of God and that i can be a light to the world.
Jesus Christ is my Savior.
Thank you family, friends, roommates, teachers, and all others who have built up my testimony over the years. You have all been amazing examples to me.
-jacquie :)

"Innocence" by: David Bowman
P.S. Quote i heard today:
"The time will come when no man nor woman will be able to endure on borrowed light. Each will have to be guided by the light within himself. If you do not have it, how can you stand?"

Thursday, September 1, 2011

a single soul

Aristotle once said,
Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies.
well, Kristen and I know what that's like....
i miss our craziness and alikeness. haha :)